
Lingerie Shopping: Do You Need Company for It?


A piece of lingerie can cost from a dozen to a thousand dollars. So with a gap this wide, it becomes quite necessary to know what the differences really are between the cheap and the luxury pieces. Generally speaking, there has never been enough attention paid to lingerie. Quite a big proportion of women still require their bras only to cover or wrap their breasts. And no changes, according to them, are needed to the bra size when one does not sharply gain or lose weight. For this camp of ladies, here is some surprising news for you. If you’ve lately got any problems with your back or the vertebral column, it should be time for you to check whether you have been wearing wrong lingerie. Here we are to list some points for you to keep in mind when going for lingerie shopping.

A piece of lingerie can cost from a dozen to a thousand dollars. So with a gap this wide, it becomes quite necessary to know what the differences really are between the cheap and the luxury pieces. Generally speaking, there has never been enough attention paid to lingerie. Quite a big proportion of women still require their bras only to cover or wrap their breasts. And no changes, according to them, are needed to the bra size when one does not sharply gain or lose weight. For this camp of ladies, here is some surprising news for you. If you’ve lately got any problems with your back or the vertebral column, it should be time for you to check whether you have been wearing wrong lingerie. Here we are to list some points for you to keep in mind when going for lingerie shopping.

First, Note the type of lingerie you buy and the way you buy it.

Try-ons are so much necessary. Many of you must have encountered a same thing – the changes in your bra sizes. Even when you keep buying the same bra from one brand, you may have to go for different sizes at different times, not to mention bra sizes from different brands. And why does this happen? The lingerie consultant tells that our figures go through constant changes during all day and our bra size can varies by half a cup. Other factors such as the menstrual cycle and weight-loss, weight-gain all mater a lot to the body fat percentage and thus influences the bra size.

To make things even more complicated, as for bra sizes, there are different standards according to different functions of the specific piece. Thus experimentalism does not work here and try-ons really count.

Do you need company for lingerie shopping?

You may also have the similar experience: When doing your lingerie shopping in a store, you realize a “consultant” keeps following you wherever you go, even though sometimes the two words “go away” are clearly written on your face. The consultant would too follow you into the fitting room to help you try the lingerie on and meanwhile record you review for the item. However, you can’t deny the fact that she is professional and her advice often helps.

Usually professionally trained, the consultants indeed get the expertise in bust measurement and can lead you to right ways of wearing lingerie. And try not to underestimate the importance of the proper methods of wearing bras, which also vary by age. Thus letting her in your fitting room means you can get some most useful skills in this.

Another thing to note: most celebrity women will not go for boob jobs before getting accurate measurements and analysis from lingerie consultants, and then calculations by computers also are needed in advance. And to show the cleavage, some of them also turn to such professionals for help.

How often should you replace your lingerie with new pieces?

According to the result of an analysis by an American magazine, you should do this once half a year! To lingerie pieces, whether or not they stretch well, support well and fit well all make the key standards. Having gone through half a year’s laundry and pressing, they will not be what they were anymore and then you should opt for replacements.

It is worth mentioning that lingerie made of protein-containing fabrics can last the longest, to a maximum of two years; while the pieces made of nylon fabrics have the shortest life span, so be careful when making your choice.

How can the cleavage be created?

Here of course we are not talking about the ladies who should wear plus size bra, since to them getting a cleavage means pretty much nothing. Then as for those not that lucky ones with smaller breasts, here are some tips:

1. Shoulder strap
Be sure to pick the bras with shoulder straps closer to the middle, which can more obviously lift up the breast and make it appear plumper.
2. Thick pads
When you get not enough flesh, you go for pads! Seriously, not joking at all. With all types of pads out there, made of everything from water bags, sponge to massage beads, the cleavage can now be more easily and quickly achieved.

